
Archive for the ‘groovy’ Category

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 23, 2010 4 comments

I wanted to thank all readers for their feedback and support. Flattr this Writing this blog makes a lot of fun and I am looking forward to future posts.

I wanted to make you a Groovy christmas present – just throw it in your preferred Groovy console and execute it 🙂

String.metaClass.or = { other ->
    return "$delegate$other"

String.metaClass.div = { other ->
    return " " * other + delegate

[(','/11 | 'i' | '!' * 6 | ';' | ',' ),
('.'/6  | ',' | ';' | 'i' | '!' * 5 | '\'' | '`' | ',' | 'u' * 2 | ',' | 'o' | '$' * 2 | 'bo.'),
('!' * 7 / 4 | '\'.e' | '$' * 14 | '.' ),
('!' * 7 / 3 | ' ' | '$' * 17 | 'P' ),
('!' * 7 / 3 | ',`' | '$' * 8 | 'P""`,,`"' ),
('i' / 2 | '!' * 8 | ',' |'$' * 4 | '",oed' | '$' * 6 ),
('!' * 9 / 1 | '\'P".,e' | '$' * 8 | '"\'?' ),
('`' / 1 | '!' * 8 | ' z$\'J' | '$' * 5 | '\'.,$bd$b,'),
('`' / 2 | '!' * 6 | 'f;$\'d' | '$' * 13 | 'P\',c,.' ),
('!' * 6 / 3 | ' $B,"?' | '$' * 5 | 'P\',uggg' | '$' * 5 | 'P"' ),
('!' * 6 / 3 | '.' | '$' * 4 | 'be."\'zd' | '$' * 3 | 'P".,uooe' | '$' * 2 | 'r' ),
('`' / 3 | '!' * 3 | '\',' | '$' * 9 | 'c,"",ud' | '$' * 9 | 'L' ),
('!' * 2 / 4 | ' ' | '$' * 29),
('!\'j' / 4 | '$' * 29 ),
('d@@,?' / 2 | '$' * 28 | 'P'),
('?@@f:' / 2 | '$' * 27 | '\''),
('""' / 3 | ' `' | '$' * 26 | 'F'),
('`3' / 7 | '$' * 22 | 'F' ),
('`"' / 10 | '$' * 4 | 'P?' | '$' * 7 | '"`' ),
('`""' / 19), "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"].each { println it }  
Categories: groovy

Funktionale Webtests mit Geb @

December 21, 2010 1 comment

Auf Jaxenter [0] ist ein Artikel von mir über Geb [1], einem neuen Webautomations- und Testframework auf Basis von Groovy und Seleniums WebDriver API, erschienen:

Funktionale Webtests mit Geb

Lesen und glücklich werden!

[0] Jaxenter – Funktionale Webtests mit Geb
[1] Geb Homepage

Categories: grails, groovy